In the increasingly globalized world of law and business, the need for accurate and efficient legal translation has never been greater. At, we’ve harnessed the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the process of AI document translation.

The AI Technology Used at

At, we employ a combination of AI and language translation tools to pre-translate documents. Specifically, we use Deepl Pro, an AI translation tool that provides highly accurate translations. Deepl Pro connects with Linguee, a translation tool that gives a high authority ranking to multilingual documents of the European Union, ensuring a reliable foundation for our translations.

Our AI language translation works best with European languages such as English, German, and Polish. The European Union’s multilingual legal documents and the proliferation of legal articles, Terms of Service, and Privacy Declarations across the internet provide a rich database for AI to learn from.

The Benefits of Using AI in Legal Translation

An illustration of a computer screen displaying a legal document and its AI-translated version, symbolizing the role of AI in legal translation at

The use of AI in our legal translation tool brings several benefits. Firstly, it significantly increases speed. The AI pre-translates the documents, allowing our legal experts to begin reviewing them immediately. This process saves time and allows our experts to focus on their main strength: maintaining the legal effect of crucial contractual clauses or paragraphs.
Secondly, AI improves accuracy. The AI eliminates simple mistakes such as typos and provides a consistent base translation. Our legal experts then refine this translation, ensuring it meets the highest accuracy and legal efficacy standards.

Ensuring AI Translations Meet the necessary Standards

At, we strive to ensure that our translations meet the European Union standards as this decreases legal risks for the customer. We use glossaries with legal phrases and check if a particular term or expression was already translated in the same legal area in European Union legislation or jurisdiction. This rigorous process ensures that our translations are consistent with established legal language.

The Role of Legal Experts in Reviewing AI Translations

Our legal experts play a crucial role in reviewing and refining AI translations. They rigorously review each document, fix inconsistencies, and check every word of legal relevance. They also provide valuable insights on improving the original document. This human oversight ensures that our translations are accurate and legally sound.
The Future of AI in Legal Translation

Used case: Translating Terms of Service and Privacy Declarations

Our AI-driven approach is efficient when translating Terms of Service and Privacy Declarations. These documents are often repetitive, and multilingual versions are essentially all around the internet. Our AI can quickly translate redundant or standard clauses, allowing our legal experts to focus on critical clauses, such as the exclusion of liability in specific cases. This process ensures that our translations are efficient and of the highest quality.

The Nuances and Complexities of Legal Language in AI Translations

AI has made significant strides in handling the nuances and complexities of legal language. However, context is crucial in legal translation, where human expertise is indispensable. Our legal translators strive rigorously to recognize inconsistencies and ensure that the translation is appropriate in the given context.

The Future of AI in Legal Translation

A creative depiction of a human and a robot working together, representing the collaboration between AI and human expertise in the legal translation process at

As we move further into the 21st century, the role of artificial intelligence and translation in legal translation will only grow. However, human expertise will always be essential. AI can reduce risks and errors in repetitive tasks, but it’s ultimately up to the human translator to decide what single word works best. At, we believe in harnessing AI’s power while leveraging our legal translators’ unique insights and expertise. This balanced approach ensures that we provide the highest quality legal translation.